From Weeds We Grow
July 2019
Web-based locative app for exploring the project
Collaboration with Toasterlab
Available at: https://fromweedswegrow.stepsinitiative.com/
The From Weeds We Grow project in Rowntree Mills Park was an exploration of public space connecting community members to each other, to the arts, and to the park. From Weeds We Grow is an interdisciplinary public art project led by the STEPS Initiative that explores Rowntree Mills Park through artistic, Indigenous, and community-based approaches.

Over the last several years, from 2014’s [Hotel City]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2014-09-15-HotelCity.md %}) to 2017’s [Transmiss.io/n]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2017-08-01-Transmission.md %}) we found ourselves regularly rebuilding the same workflow: a way to synthesize location-based…