Albion Library
Web-based locative app for exploring the project
Collaboration with Toasterlab
Available at: https://albion.toasterlab.com/
The Albion VR Project is a digital installation of 360-degree videos filmed in the Albion Public Library created by Kitchenband and Toasterlab. Once you are in the map, try using your fingers to move around. The icons you see are the locations in the library where the videos have been recorded. If you get lost, press the home button to centre yourself in the library.

Over the last several years, from 2014’s [Hotel City]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2014-09-15-HotelCity.md %}) to 2017’s [Transmiss.io/n]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2017-08-01-Transmission.md %}) we found ourselves regularly rebuilding the same workflow: a way to synthesize location-based…